Half and Half Cookies

In a large bowl using an electric hand mixer, cream together butter and sugar until they're pale in color. Add in the vanilla extract to combine. In a separate bowl add the salt to the flour and combine well. Slowly pour the flour mixture into the butter and sugar mixture, while the hand mixer is on medium speed, until it forms into a dough. Roll the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and shape it into a large disc. Wrap the disc in Saran Wrap and refridgerate for 30 minutes to an hour.Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Remove the dough from the fridge and roll out into 1/2 in thickness. Cut the dough with your favorite cookie cuter (I made a piggie in the bunch!) and then place them on a lined cookie sheet and bake them for 20-25 minutes or until the cookies are golden brown on the edges.While the cookies are cooling, in a small bowl melt 4 ounces of chopped bittersweet chocolate, 4 ounces of chopped semisweet and the espresso together in the microwave until it's just begins to come together (approx. 30-45 seconds). Finish stirring until it's completely smooth and combined.Once the cookies are completely cooled, dip one side of each cookie into the bowl of melted chocolate and transfer them to a cooling rack so the excess chocolate can drip off and the remaining chocolate can harden.Serve with coffee or tea!

It's obvious. I have an obsession with chocolate. On top of that, I gain some sick sort of pleasure from chocolate-cloaked baked things so drenched that half the chocolate is forced off the food and onto the floor by way of gravity. Something about that visual is thrilling. These cookies play off one of the most prominent themes of this blog; a comprehensive theme that acknowledges special pairings, bi-racialism(which I happen to suffer from), abundance, and comfort. Perhaps it's also a stretch. Nevertheless, I'm rollin with it. Fortunately, this is such a simple recipe. All you need is flour, sugar, butter, and a pinch of salt. Of course we can't forget the little bit of melted chocolate the begged to be smothered in...And yesss, you better believe I doubled dipped...
3 sticks of butter (softened)
1 cup of sugar
3 cups of AP flour
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon of salt
4 ounces of bittersweet chocolate(chopped)
4 ounces of semisweet chocolate(chopped)
1 tablespoon of espresso